I get it. 

You know there's more for you. You know your relationships could be deeper. You know your life could be more joyful. 


You've been so busy pouring into everyone else and making sure they were ok that you forgot how to do that for yourself. 


You're here because you're on a journey back to yourself.


You are done pretending. Done people-pleasing. Done with hoping and wishing for things to get better.


It's your time and you are ready to live life on your terms.

I know where you are. I used to spend my days trying to live up to everyone's expectations. It caused me to be a workaholic, not use my voice in my marriage, be full of resen meant, stuck in comparison, people-pleasing, feeling stressed all the time, not being present, micromanaging at work, taking pills to sleep, drinking wine regularly to relax.

No matter how hard I worked and achieved nothing made me feel better. I had read the books and gone to the conferences. I wore the right clothes, drove the nice car, and had checked the boxes of society’s prescribed life but I was empty inside. My marriage was falling apart and I barely knew my kids. I was so tired but had no idea how to fix it.

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